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Recent Posts by stratlpk

3 Security Threats You Haven’t Considered

A large portion of the world has already embraced the digital area. Not a day goes by without encountering a story of ransomware or a threat to your personal data. Popular security companies indicated that almost a third of computer users experienced a form of web attack while almost one million computers were infected with…
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5 IT Trends to Watch for in 2019

IT ever continues its evolution in the wake of new technologies, software enhancements, SEO, and even AI. Remaining competitive in a technologically driven market then requires staying aware of big trends, especially those for an upcoming year. To give you an idea of what to look for, here are five trends to watch for in…
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How Chrome 68 Can Protect You and Your Business

Cybersecurity has a labyrinth of layers, all critical to protecting important data. One of those layers starts at the browser level, and Chrome has stepped up its game with its powerful version 68 update. Chrome 68 isn’t just another “tuner” update. It introduced a new feature that targets and flags websites based on their use…
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What is Phishing and How to Prevent It

If you’ve ever used the internet in any capacity, chances you’ve heard the phrase “phishing scam.” That’s because it’s a prominent cybersecurity issue that’s been around for a long time. And, despite the advancements in data protection and anti-virus software, phishing is still effective. That’s because phishing is a form of social engineering. It’s basically…
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