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IT Best Practices: How to Lead a Safe and Secure Team

Technology has become the cornerstone to many organizations. Various day-to-day operations wouldn’t be possible without a solid network infrastructure or use of specialized hardware. Therefore, it’s important that a respective IT team have all the necessary skills to not only keep things running, but keep it safe too. Since security breaches through data-related attacks grow…
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How AI is Going to Affect your Business Rankings

The nature of search engines has greatly changed over the years. With Google, for instance, the methods of locating certain websites were based primarily on keywords. Today, most refer to that as search engine optimization (SEO), where a web page would appear more frequently based on particular words and embedded phrases. For companies, having a…
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What Marketing Automation Can Do For You

Marketing automation is a software strategy that does a lot of your repetitive marketing actions for you. Previously, targeted advertising was done primarily through the postal service but social media channels have since become the most important marketing channel. With consumers able to communicate with you directly through these channels, it’s more important than ever…
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Facts About Spam: What Your Business Needs to Know

Ever since the dawn of advertising, people have been plagued by junk mail. Numerous clients trying to get you to purchase their wares has shaped almost every aspect of media, and it’s only gotten more elaborate since the introduction of the internet. However, with the internet, junk mail didn’t just become more frequent, it got…
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