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Mobile Security: 5 Ways to Protect Your Customer’s Data

Mobile tech has provided enterprises with a capacity to communicate within the organization and to reach out to customers, wherever they are, that has changed the way we do business - and those changes are far from complete. It’s a huge leap forward, but the landing won’t be soft unless security catches up with communication…
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Are You Ready for the New Windows 10 Release?

Early in 2015, Microsoft announced the latest version of their OS Windows 10 to be released. Microsoft has made Windows 10 available free of cost to customers running Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 in the first year after the launch. Microsoft, being the most business friendly software provider, small as well as larger…
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9 Reasons Your Business Needs to Jump on the Remote Work Bandwagon

The Benefits of Remote Work Remote work is a trend that’s been gaining a lot of traction in the past few years. And, not just from traveling salespeople, techs and middle managers – but front line employees as well. More and more companies are beginning to notice that remote working and virtualization capabilities actually offer…
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5 Productivity Apps Your Remote Team Can’t Live Without

Remote working arrangements are the wave of the future. As many businesses seek out ways to operate on tighter budgets without cutting employees, the traditional office space is often one of the first things to go. Or at least get just a little bit smaller. Instead, companies are opting to let employees work remotely on…
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