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Category Archives: Mobile Security

Choosing a Great Password Following the Facebook Breach

It has emerged that social media users are rather relaxed about the use of passwords for their platforms. Creating the most basic passwords, people are appallingly lax with regard to security on the internet. The most recent Facebook breach saw at least 30 million accounts compromised. Easy to Hack Passwords Of the 30 million, 14…
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Five Steps to Take Within 24 Hours of a Data Breach

No company wants to deal with a data breach. Like watching a fire across the street, one might think “it will never happen to me.” But the tough reality is a company is likely to experience some form of cybersecurity bypass over the course of its lifetime. How well prepared said company is will determine…
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4 Considerations When Responding to Cyber Threats

Cyber-security is a growing concern for most modern businesses and industries. Regardless of their size or service, a company which utilizes the internet or other data infrastructure must take into the account the risks which are involved with it. There are a variety of measures to employ when disaster strikes. Even with the best security…
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Why Endpoint Protection is Necessary in your Security Plan

Businesses today are heavily reliant on their IT to be productive. Network security is essential to this. Endpoint security is a way of protecting your company network when it’s being accessed by remote devices such as laptops, cell phones or tablets. Each device connection point creates a weakness in the system, opening your network up…
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