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Category Archives: Uncategorized

What is Phishing and How to Prevent It

If you’ve ever used the internet in any capacity, chances you’ve heard the phrase “phishing scam.” That’s because it’s a prominent cybersecurity issue that’s been around for a long time. And, despite the advancements in data protection and anti-virus software, phishing is still effective. That’s because phishing is a form of social engineering. It’s basically…
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4 Considerations When Responding to Cyber Threats

Cyber-security is a growing concern for most modern businesses and industries. Regardless of their size or service, a company which utilizes the internet or other data infrastructure must take into the account the risks which are involved with it. There are a variety of measures to employ when disaster strikes. Even with the best security…
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3 Reasons Dark Data is Just as Important as Big Data

Your company amasses a lot of data about your customers. But what do you do with that data?  Big data is the key to your customers, and can improve the way your organization operates It has a huge effect on your marketing strategy. Basically, big data can make you more money. You also end up…
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IT Best Practices: How to Lead a Safe and Secure Team

Technology has become the cornerstone to many organizations. Various day-to-day operations wouldn’t be possible without a solid network infrastructure or use of specialized hardware. Therefore, it’s important that a respective IT team have all the necessary skills to not only keep things running, but keep it safe too. Since security breaches through data-related attacks grow…
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