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8 Things to Consider Before Moving Your Business to the Cloud

As businesses look for easier and more cost effective ways to manage data, cloud computing has gone from being nothing more than a buzzword to a viable solution. What makes cloud computing so attractive to businesses, anyway?
It’s cost effective, doesn’t involve installing any software and offers businesses a new dimension of flexibility that is hard to get with any other solution. So, if your business is considering jumping on the cloud anytime soon, here are a few tips that can help you avoid some of the most costly mistakes associated with adopting this new technology.

1. Take Baby Steps

You don’t have to get your entire network on the cloud right away. You can start by migrating one or two portions of your operations to the cloud to begin with and take it from there. For instance, maybe you’ve decided to migrate your project management operations to the cloud, but keep your data on a private network.

2. Choose a Cloud Hybrid Model

Using a hybrid model is a great way to integrate cloud computing into your business, especially if not all of your applications are ready to go virtual just yet. You might want to think about splitting your systems between public cloud, private cloud and network models based on the level of security needed for each.

3. Do Your Homework

Cloud computing is one of the hottest trends in business right now, but that doesn’t mean you should adopt it just because you don’t want to get left behind. Take the time to learn what cloud computing can do for your business, what makes a good provider and what costs and security measures are involved.

4. Pay Attention to the Details

There are many benefits to moving to the cloud, one of them being that many organizations can realize significant cost savings in doing so. But, failing to make sure that the data you’re moving into the cloud is organized can end up costing you in the long run. Unorganized data off the cloud is still unorganized data on the cloud. Cleaning house is just good practice when it comes to migrating data.

5. Consider Security

Not all cloud solutions are created equal and even on a secure network, things can happen. Never leave the security of your data up to chance, encrypt data and assign roles to users so you know who accessed the data and when.

6. Make Sure Your Internet Connectivity is Rock Solid

This sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s one of those details that people don’t notice until it’s too late. Remember, access to cloud services requires internet access, so make sure you’ve got a fast and reliable internet provider.

7. Always Backup Your Data

Many businesses assume that putting data on the cloud means that they don’t have to back up information anymore. After all, it is the cloud and the cloud doesn’t go down, right? Cloud networks operate on servers just like your computer does, so always make sure you keep a backup of your data on a hard drive in a second location just in case.

8. Still Stuck on How to Get Started on the Cloud?

Moving your public web services onto a public cloud network is a simple and low risk way to take advantage of the cloud right away. Many public cloud services also offer a variety of security settings to help ensure that your information stays secure. Stratosphere Networks specializes in setting up both public and private cloud networks for businesses large and small. Have questions? Give us a call at 847-859-1600 or contact us today.