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IT Best Practices: How to Lead a Safe and Secure Team

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Technology has become the cornerstone to many organizations. Various day-to-day operations wouldn’t be possible without a solid network infrastructure or use of specialized hardware. Therefore, it’s important that a respective IT team have all the necessary skills to not only keep things running, but keep it safe too.

Since security breaches through data-related attacks grow every year, it’s crucial that an IT team have an understanding of your business security practices. This includes everything from tech to personal safety. Additionally, familiarity with the types of threats which face networks is important for a team to know. For all this, we’ve put together some tips for leading the safest kind of IT team.

One issue is identifying common threats. Generally, malicious attacks from third parties or malware rely on human error to succeed. Therefore, it’s important IT teams know what kind of threats these are. A common one comes from email, something we use every day. Phishing scams or the like will often use official images from websites such as PayPal and claim that problems have occurred with an account. Recognizing these threats comes from scrutinizing the word usage, the demand for account information, or claims the email is from management or staff.

There’s also data usage, and the type of network traffic you allow inbound/outbound. While there are obviously websites which are distracting and not work appropriate, even common ones can create security breaches or bandwidth strain. This occurs because of adware, spam and other website injected software which can either be malicious and/or track activity of users. For a business, any extra strain on the network from unwanted sites can be costly so it’s important IT staff only use company approved sites.

Aside from establishing network policies and identifying potential security threats, an IT team also needs to be physically safe. IT utilizes a large amount of tech to get their jobs done, from computers to server rooms. These are both physical and electric hazards, especially with complex set ups. Be sure your IT team understands where things like false floors for wiring are, or how heavy certain equipment is. Properly mark and tag areas with potential electrical hazards and make sure staff know what the proper procedure is for moving/installing types of equipment.

Lastly, make sure there are procedures for accessing the equipment itself. Things like internal theft are always possible, but the step is aimed at safety. Staff who are unfamiliar with IT set-ups can risk injury (like with false floors) and it’s important only certain workers can gain entry to the appropriate environments.

Staff that utilize the above security tips will not only make things safer for themselves, but others around them. A business can only be effective if its workers are taken care of and that’s doubly so for members of IT. If your business is looking for more ways to keep your business safe, Stratosphere Networks can help.  Call us today at (877)599-3999 or fill out our contact form to speak with an experienced professional to determine your business’s specific needs.