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9 Reasons Your Business Needs to Jump on the Remote Work Bandwagon

5 50 USERS IT PROFESSIONALThe Benefits of Remote Work

Remote work is a trend that’s been gaining a lot of traction in the past few years. And, not just from traveling salespeople, techs and middle managers – but front line employees as well. More and more companies are beginning to notice that remote working and virtualization capabilities actually offer big opportunities to save money, enhance employee satisfaction and increase productivity. If you aren’t on the work-from-home bandwagon yet, perhaps you will be after you check out these 9 benefits.

Less Stress. The ability to work remotely empowers your employees and helps them gain better work/life balance. When an employee isn’t stressed out because they have a 3 hour commute in the snow ahead of them, or need to stay at home with a sick child, they can and want be more productive.

Better Communication. Having a collaborative work environment is one of the keys to innovation and getting things done. But, you don’t have to sit next to someone to communicate with them. A VPN phone system, cloud-based project management and BYOD (bring your own device) policy can go a long way to boosting productivity and making “work from anywhere” possible.

Less Overhead. When you don’t have to set up a desk, buy additional equipment and supplies or lease out a larger office space, your business saves money. Remote workers cost less and even if they expense equipment and supplies, chances are your company will still save by not having to lease out expensive office space.

Better Work/Life Balance. More time spent in the office doesn’t necessarily equate to higher productivity. The ability to work remotely eliminates the need to always be present and can actually help boost productivity. Promoting work life balance is an important factor for companies who want to keep the best and the brightest on board.

New Job Creation. As companies and employees change the way they work, new opportunities are created and that’s a good thing. As more small to medium businesses move away from the “warm bodies in the office” model, they’ll also experience greater agility and growth.

Happier Employees Equal Big Benefits. Dissatisfaction is one of the top reasons that people leave their jobs and look for greener pastures. And, employee turnover can cost your company big time in terms of lost money, lost knowledge and lost productivity. Offering your employees flexibility is an easy, low cost way to keep employees satisfied with their work environment, so they’ll stick around.

Higher Engagement. Remote workers tend to be more engaged because, when people have the option to work remotely, work becomes more about more than just the employee/boss experience. Remote workers tend to take more responsibility and for their work and communicate more often.

Ditch the Office for the Coffee Shop. Coming into the office certainly has its perks, but employees can definitely benefit from a change of scenery. Instituting a work-from-anywhere policy even one or two days a week can have positive effects on your employees' creativity and productivity.

Commuting is Bad for Your Health. Remote workers have a better outlook on life, better job satisfaction and a better sense that their daily activities actually matter. Let’s face it, who wants to tack on an extra 2-3 hours round trip in traffic to their day?

Stratosphere Networks offers VPN and remote work capabilities for businesses and corporations of all sizes. If you are considering remote working as a part of your business structure or are looking to improve your work-from-home setup, contact us at sales@stratospherenetworks.com. We can help provide a review on your internet connection and bandwidth, IT infrastructure, as well as your existing business phone system.