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The Importance of Technology Automation

3d small person working on a laptop next to the globe. 3d image. White background.

Automation is moving technology forward at a rapid pace, as many companies and industries are turning to automation to cut back on costs and human error, while enhancing business productivity. Many companies are turning to automation in order to eliminate human interaction as much as possible. Machines can work for days or months without stopping and don't need to take bathroom or smoke breaks, and machines don't get distracted. This is huge for maintaining a continuous working environment which increases business productivity.


Robotics is what most people think of when they hear technology automation. There is a good reason for that, as robotics is one of the most important aspects of automation. You most likely encounter some form of automated robotics on an everyday basis. Whether it's an automobile with sensors or an escalator at work or in the mall, automated robotics is all around us.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the usage of machines that are connected to the internet that are used to help some function of your lives. For instance, smart eyewear (think Google Glass), smart watches and fitness trackers are examples of the IoT. Fitness trackers automatically keep track of how many steps you take, how far you've ran and how many calories you've burned, while smart eyewear and watches perform similar functions to smartphones.

Industrial Internet of Things

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is powerful and innovative technology that uses a variety of factors including machine-to-machine communication, big data analysis, predictive and maintenance analytics, and automation to advance industries such as manufacturing, travel, distribution, government, and much more. For instance, automated construction equipment operates by sending and receiving data remotely to machines at a control center. Farmers use automated equipment to enhance productivity and cut down on time. Air travel and other travel industries use automation for many functions. The IIoT is expected to increase exponentially over the next several years.

Food Service

The food service industry uses automation in many aspects of their work. Some use automated ovens to ensure that food is cooked to perfection. Some use automated ordering, such as touchscreen monitors. In food preparation and packaging, many of the tasks are performed by automated machines. This helps keep costs low and speeds up productivity.

Where is Automation Going?

As technology continues to advance, look for more automation in our everyday lives. Some companies already have automated cars, and the surge of the IoT and the IIoT is pushing even more human-and-machine communication, as well as machine-to-machine communication. The future of technology involves some sort of automation in nearly every aspect.