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Tips and Tricks to Make Email Marketing More Effective

Email marketing  design over white background, vector illustration.

Email marketing might not seem like the best method to reach out to a consumer base, because we often associate them with pesky junk mail. However, there are many ways to make email marketing work a lot better for you and your potential clients.  Email marketing can produce wonderful results, and the idea is to supply relevant information to the right people at the right time, or risk losing out on valuable click-throughs and attention.

Create engaging messages

A lot of what makes an email campaign work often starts with the core writing itself. From the email’s title to the content inside, this material absolutely must be engaging to your audience. Throwing information at them isn’t effective, rather you want to seem like you’re talking with them. People have enough spam thrown at them in their daily life, and if your emails just look like another component to that, be prepared to be ignored.

Make the email interesting. The subject matter and words within should never be dull and maintain engagement throughout. Make sure you’ve built a healthy subscriber list too, or your words might not be as efficient.

Avoid the spam folder

Form and function are also quite important. The subscriber list is significant, because it means your base isn’t having the emails sent directly to spam. If they aren’t subscribed, you might just be talking to the junk pile. Your emails should also be designed with clean, crisp professionalism. It’s a reason the “metro” aesthetic is so popular nowadays, as it sorts info in a visually easy to understand way. If your emails look like a bad Picasso reject, don’t expect much feedback.

Have clean, good looking emails

Speaking of functional emails, make sure they’re mobile friendly too. an enormous chunk of today’s internet users has access to a mobile device, and they’ll use it for convenient email checking too. If your emails aren’t compatible or aren’t formatted correctly, your campaign is missing out on a huge chunk of potential readers. Constantly test to see if this works, and refine errors which may cause funny looking messages when sent.

Offer easy unsubscribing

Another tip that may seem odd, but helps your campaign look and feel friendly is to make it easy to unsubscribe. That might sound counterproductive, but having a positive, more personal approach to your emails will make people more willing to keep them around. As we already mentioned, the aggressive spam campaigns typically don’t work well because they end up in the electric dump. If you make it simple to unsub from emails then your audience will feel less pressured and harassed.

Time it carefully

Timing is everything. Time your emails carefully and use tracking data to figure out when it’s best to send updates. Typically, your target audience will have a specific time range they will be most likely to open emails. If you overdo the amount of messages you send, or send messages at low opening times, your emails may be lost or ignored. Focus on big weekly emails, once or twice every seven days, and you may find more success.